Cloudflare generally throws error 1020 when it thinks the IP is either malicious or trying to scrape data from the website. Error 1020 is typically shown as “Access Denied” message and can occur for a variety of reasons, such as using a VPN, Tor, or accessing the website from a blacklisted IP address.

This error could be frustrating if you are trying to scrape a website at scale. There are three solutions to this problem.
1. You can use residential proxies to scrape the website. Residential proxies are real device IPs through which you can bypass the on-site protection of any website.
2. The second solution to this problem would be to use headless Chrome browsers along with residential proxies.
3. If you want to avoid managing a browser and a proxy then you should go for Scrapingdog. Scrapingdog will handle all the hassles so that you can collect data without getting blocked.
Additional Resources
- CloudFlare Error 1015: What is it & How to Bypass
- Web Scraping with NodeJS: A Practical Guide
- Bypass 999 Response When Scraping LinkedIn Profiles
- What is 499 status code & how to avoid it?
- 429 Status Code – What Is It & How To Avoid It
- 403 Status Code – What is it & How To Bypass It
- How To Bypass Amazon Captcha & Avoid IP Ban While Scraping
- Challenges in Web Scraping & How To Overcome Them
- Tips To Avoid Getting Blocked While Extracting the Data